Auction for new electricity consumption reduction service

February 2023

The auction for the new electricity consumption reduction service prepared by Terna for all end customers who, even in aggregate form, have power available for the service of at least 1 MW is underway. This electricity consumption reduction service will run from February 10, 2023 to December 31, 2023, for an amount of 2,500 MW, of which 2,000 MW will be prioritized for resources with load shedding mechanisms (Updc).

The electricity consumption reduction service is for customers who make themselves available to reduce electricity withdrawals and can be requested by Terna for up to 459 hours for the period from February to December 2023. Of these, 111 hours can be activated from February 10 to March 31, 2023 for the purpose of reducing electricity consumption.The remaining 348 hours may be activated for purposes of electric system adequacy and indirect gas consumption curtailment. The maximum premium set for all resources is 59,200 €/MW for the reporting period.

For more information about this, please contact us by filling out the form below.

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